There have been many strong, courageous women in our history who have persisted, often against all odds. They risked their lives for the rights and freedom of others. They were the first to break ground in male only jobs and professions. Some broke through glass ceilings to lead corporations or serve in government. They marched, they picketed, they demonstrated so that the girls and women who followed could own property, vote, receive equal pay for equal work, and have dominion over their bodies and their lives. They were leaders, inventors, adventurers, explorers, athletes, scientists, politicians, doctors, lawyers, judges, generals, admirals, astronauts, police officers, and fire fighters, and so much more. They advocated for their own children and for the children of the world. Today's SHEROES are doing the same and more.

This blog is the beginning of a roll call of SHEROES who persisted and made or are making a difference in the world. We invite you to join us in celebrating them by adding your own SHEROES to this list.
Bella Abzug ▪ Abigail Adams ▪ Jane Addams ▪ Luisa May Alcott ▪ Marian Anderson ▪ Maya Angelou ▪ Susan B. Anthony ▪ Clara Barton ▪ Mary McCloud Bethune ▪ Elizabeth Blackwell ▪ Amelia Bloomer ▪ Pearl S. Buck ▪ Senator Hattie Caraway ▪ Mary Cassatt ▪ Shirley Chisholm ▪ U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton ▪ Dorothea Dix ▪ Admiral Alene B. Duerk ▪ Amelia Earhart ▪ Marian Wright Edelman ▪ Geraldine Ferraro ▪ Betty Freidan ▪ Chief Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg ▪ Katherine Graham ▪ Sara Grimke ▪ Brigadier General Anna Mae Hays (Army) ▪ Brigadier General Elizabeth P. Hoisington (Army) ▪ Brigadier General Jeanne M. Holmes (Air Force) ▪ Julia Ward Howe ▪ Anne Hutchinson ▪ Admiral Hazel E. Johnson ▪ Mary Harris “Mother” Jones ▪ Helen Keller ▪ Billie Jean King ▪ Coretta Scott King ▪ Lucretia Mott ▪ Astronaut Ellen Ochoa ▪ Chief Justice Sandra Day O’Connor ▪ Georgia O’Keefe ▪ Rosa Parks ▪ Alice Paul ▪ Frances Perkins ▪ Jeanette Rankin ▪ Astronaut Dr. Sally Ride ▪ Eleanor Roosevelt ▪ Wilma Rudolph ▪ Sacagawea ▪ Margaret Sanger ▪ Bessie Smith ▪ Chief Justice Sonia Sotomayor ▪ Elizabeth Cady Stanton ▪ Gloria Steinem ▪ Ida Tarbell ▪ Sojourner Truth ▪ Harriet Tubman ▪ Medal of Honor Recipient Dr. Mary Edwards Walker ▪ Barbara Walters ▪ Angelina Grimke Weld ▪ Senator Elizabeth Warren ▪ Angelina Grimke Weld ▪ Victoria Woodhull ▪ Malala Yousafzai ▪ Babe Didrikson Zaharias